Your new home in Florida comes with beautiful landscaping, and investing in the landscaping of your home is one of the best means of standing out in your new community. Having the best curb appeal doesn't have to take up all of your time and money, and when you utilize Florida-friendly plants and flora, you don't need a green thumb for them to thrive.10 Most Affordable Landscaping Tips for Your Florida Home

This list of 10 affordable and environmentally-safe landscaping tips showcases fantastic ways to add flair to your new home all without taking from basking in the amazing summer sun.

1. Do Without Fertilizer

The Florida rain can wash fertilizer into bays, lagoons, rivers, lakes, and oceans. Not quite so environmentally friendly. Since residents, tourists, and animals spend a lot of time in the water, you can help by reducing fertilizer pollution from going into the water. Some cities and countries even have a fertilizer ban to protect the Florida waters, as the soil has plenty of phosphorus so there is no need for fertilizer.

2. Utilize Iron and Micronutrients

The grass isn't always greener on the other side. The hot Florida sun is known for leaving brown dry patches in unkempt lawns. Iron and micronutrient supplements in plenty of garden centers can help keep your grass green and healthy. In addition, iron doesn't cause excessive growth, which will save you from hours spent mowing your lawn in the hot sun.

3. Use DIY Weed Killer and Save Money

Making your weed killer is easy and completely affordable. There are plenty of recipes floating around the internet, but the most standard recipe includes: 3 cups of vinegar, white distilled with 5%, 10%, or 20% acetic acid, and 1/2 cup of salt, allow the salt to dissolve into vinegar before adding soap—1 tbs—liquid dish detergent without bleach is safe and effective.

4. Buy Sun-Friendly Plants

Buy plants and flowers that can withstand the warm summer months in Florida with minimal effort. Florida-friendly plants don't always require as much water and fertilizer, which allows you more time to do the summer activities you want. Plants like beauty berries, various palm trees, and beach sunflowers are very drought tolerant and are natural Floria natives. If you are interested in implementing your green thumb, try citrus plants, cherry tomatoes, and peppers.

5. Don't Overplant

Keep in mind the size of a plant when it matures. Leaving enough space around each plant to make it easier to grow them effectively, will in turn prevent crowing and the need for excessive pruning later on.

6. Leave Grass Clippings

Leave grass clippings after you have cut your lawn, as it is a natural fertilizer that can leave your lawn feeling lush and radiant. It is also less for you to clean up.

7. Reduce Your Grass

Reduce the amount of grass in your yard by making a pathway with gravel, stone, and even reclaimed wood. Rock gardens and water features are another way to add some character to your new home without adding grass. The less lawn you have to maintain, the more time you have to have fun in the sun.

8. Plant Small, Slow-Growing Trees

Small trees cost less than large trees. This means that you can get more of them for the same amount of money. In addition, smaller and sturdier trees are less susceptible to the elements and possible storm damage. Think of trees like the Twilight Crape Myrtle, Dogwood, and the Hydrangea, all grow well in the Floridan heat and yield beautiful blooming flowers.

Bill Gassett of Maximum Real Estate Exposure provided excellent advice for those who want to dramatically improve their curb appeal.

"One of my favorite things to do every few years was getting my driveway seal coated. The impact it had was always significant. A ratty-looking driveway distracts from all the other projects you may be doing, such as gardening, planting flowers, or adding mulch.

Seal-coating the driveway ties all your hard work together into one final masterpiece. If you are selling a home, it is a perfect improvement for giving your property an edge over the competition.

If you are ambitious and love DIY projects, you can pick up everything you need at the local Home Depot or Lowe's and do it yourself. I always preferred a pro, but you can save significant money if you are okay with the work."

9. Recycle Materials

Invest in using old bricks and stones in creative ways to make pathways, benches, walls, pond edgings, and more. Planters are versatile and can be made out of anything. Try using pallets, or old barrels to create some fun, eye-catching, and unique planters.

10. Save and Trade

End up with too many fruits, vegetables, or plants? Try trading with your neighbors and community by starting up your local Food is Free Project. Trading can save you money on food and gardening and gives you the chance to connect with others in the community.

With these tips in mind, you can enjoy easy outdoor maintenance and spend more quality time with your family and friends doing the things you love this summer. For inspiration, check out an outdoor living Pinterest board for more gardening and outdoor tips. Explore the best of the Forgotten Coast of Florida.