The pandemic spurred on many new twists in the real estate market including how home buyers look for homes and what they are looking for in homes. One of these twists was a rise in the number of buyers interested in purchasing homes further out from dense urban areas/ big cities.
The allure of having more home for the money and the opportunity to enjoy outdoor spaces both in the form of a larger yard and being closer to recreation was a major draw. This coupled with the ability to work remotely from anywhere led to a large number of people considering a move to more suburban and rural areas.
There are many amazing and beautiful places further from city centers worth a look. If you are considering a move away from the city, here are some tips for making the transition.
Research the Town You are Interested in and its Surrounding Areas
Even if you are moving within a short distance from the city, you currently live in, it will still feel like relocating to a completely different area in some aspects. Make sure you get to know the town and its culture/atmosphere as well as possible. It will help you to decide if the area really does sound like a place you want to be every day.
You want to research the type of restaurants, things to do, schools, cost of living, etc. In addition to looking up articles on the area or searching yelp lists, check out actual discussion forums to see some honest answers and opinions from people who have experienced the area.
Don’t be afraid to find a few forums and ask your own questions if you are not finding answers to the ones you have. The more research you do the better. Just remember that it will give you a good idea about the area but the only way to truly know if you will like living there happens when you actually live there.
Sit Down with Your Family and Determine What You All See in Your Next Best Home
It is important to consider what is special to you and your family. What do you like to do on a daily basis? What do you like to do to take a short amount of time off from the everyday rush? What attributes of your home right now are not working for you? What attributes of a future home could change that and help daily life run more smoothly? What will you be needing from your home in the next few years as your family grows and transitions to new life stages?
Take a Look into How the Local Government Operates
This is one that very few home buyers take the time to do but is very important. A city’s, our town’s, county’s, etc. quality of living is only as good as the local government that oversees it. You may find that a town has a beautiful location but the town council is not very proactive in hearing the concerns of the residents.
It is also a good idea to look into the future development plans for the area. If you are moving to a place to enjoy a more relaxed and quieter lifestyle but the local government is focused on building it up and bringing more industry and building more businesses and homes in the area, it is something to think about. The area will not be the one you originally moved into.
Look Over Your Finances and Budget
Before making any move, it is a good idea to go over your budget and determine if you can afford the type of home and location you are dreaming of.
For more information on purchasing a home in Apalachicola and surrounding areas of the Forgotten Coast please contact us any time.
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